
Wednesday 20 April 2011

A Complete History of Grom, part 1

So. Long time since I've posted anything. That's not because I've been idle, but rather, because I've just been too busy. Unfortunately, not with painting (well, as much as I'd like, anyway).

I've mentioned before that I've been looking at some Orcs & Goblins...well, my good friend eBay and myself have spent some quality time together, and I've managed to acquire a whole ton of figures. So...lots of paint stripping, cleaning and assembling has already been done, with lots more to do.

Interestingly, one of the little goblin figures I picked up in a junk lot happened to be the original Grom - from 1985. There I was, thinking I'd never see one of those, when lo, there it lay, discarded and forgotten.

So, that inspired me. I've recently made a custom Grom the Paunch before (funnily enough, in preparation of 8th edition and an Eltharion/Grom match-up...before I realised that 3rd ed was the way to go), so I had the original figure lying around.

These are the two next to each other:

Now I had actually meant to post this up a lot earlier than I have, so now that I've given you the picture of the two naked lead models, it's worth owning up that I've completed all of my Grom models, giving me three in all. Unfortunately, my camera batteries have all died (3 of them!), so you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see the finished article. I've also managed to complete 4 more skeletons.

So, I now have 7* painted figures for Warhammer 3rd edition. And they're not even in the same army. At this rate, I'll play my first game in November 2013...

*Technically speaking, the new fatter Grom is not a 3rd edition figure, but 4th edition, but I thought it would be lovely to include them both.

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