
Wednesday 26 June 2013

Dumbel Doore

Following on from my first entry in my alternative adventuring party, I've finished another adventurer:

Bugger. It's an ethereal. And I left my silver blade in my other handbag... 
But wait - what's this?

Sir Dwarf, I don't suppose you could help a lady out?

Eh? What's that? Help a lady count?

What Lady?

Nothing to count here...

Hmmm. Voices again. Better sort this ethereal out before someone gets hurt.

Oh thank you sir! I thought I was done for!
Eh? No no - not Dunne Fore - name's Dumbel Doore. DUMBEL DOORE.
So I introduce to you Dumbel 'I'm getting too old for this shit' Doore, a brave and accomplished dwarf wizard, blasting his way from dungeon to dungeon as he seeks out fame, fortune, ancient lore and expensive whisky.

Again, we're going for quick painting, as opposed to amazing painting, which is something I've found is helping me get on with things. Seven painted figures and a Warhammer Quest set in one month? I think its working. Who needs detail anyway?

Also, not sure quite what happened with the pictures, I just couldn't get the light quite right, so apologies for the darkness and slight blurriness. Don't worry - there will be more opportunities to see our fearsome adventuring pair!


  1. Excellent work on a classic mini. I'm looking forward to watching this plucky band grow.

    1. Also, if you're looking for a set of dungeon crawl rules that emulate some of the classics, then might I be so bold as to recommend my own?

    2. Cheers Mr Gareth. I have already collected Cavern Crawl sir, and I'm pleased to evidence this with a link in this post. Arguably, this whole dungeoneering thing is your fault. Thanks to you, the whole world must be denied the Terror of the Lichemaster until I have an adventuring party...

    3. I actually looked at that post, too. How embarrassing...

  2. Fantastic, it's been hard leaving my dungeoneering behind while I focus on RT and Oldhammer so I will enjoy watching you do it instead.

  3. Cheers, Mr Paul. Although Cavern Crawl has come up as a candidate rule set for dungeoneering, I'm also hoping to keep some sort of warhammery feel to the thing, possibly buggering around with WFRP. I dunno. At the moment, its more about the figures than the actual system...

    1. What about using 3rd ed rules but with all figures as individuals, like heroes in the battle rules, and revised psychology a test for the surviving characters for each individual lost over half the original starting strength of the group?

      The dwarf wizard is excellent. Good to see such a underrepresented group getting some recognition............

    2. Using WHFB3e really works, it helps if you have a GM but it's not that hard to repurpose the rules as they were developed from a RPG mindset anyway. I was careful to match up the bad guys to the heroes to create an exciting adventure that the good guys would probably survive, this allowed me to use a variety of minions and the occasional bigger creature.

  4. Nice work on a characterful old figure.

    1. Cheers, Mr Fogey - I see you have one of these painted up in red - I started with red too, but I'm making a concerted effort not to use red now!

  5. Nowt wrong with your "quick painting"!

    1. Cheers, Mr Casey - I'll keep right on, then!

  6. Lovely miniatures and paint job Gaj. Seeing this characterful lot makes me want to paint my own adventurers.

  7. If that's a quick PJ on the dwarf...than you should keep on... He looks great...excellent name too.

    1. I haven't painted a dwarf in years - it was good fun. I look forward to painting the other dwarfs I have now (the ones for Lichemaster, that is - no dwarf army, I'm afraid. Not yet, anyway...)

  8. Hey Gaj, I second Blue in VT, the Dwarf (and all the other figs in the pics) look great! Any more painting/blending is simply overpainting and makes a wonderful miniature become a cold display piece instead of a hot-blooded tabletop hero!! Nicely done!

    1. Thank you, Mr Wierd - that's we're all about here - hot-blooded tabletop heroes!

  9. Glad to see this chap managed to escape from Orc's Drift and, assume an alter ego and take up a new career in dungeoneering ;)

    Cracking work fella - nice ghoulies too!

    1. Yeah - I thought about the other dwarf wizards, but this chap was head and shoulders (well, not literally) above the other candidates. I'll still aim to get a more wizardy dwarf at some time, but so many other things to do...

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. that dwarf wizard was the first metal figure I ever owned! makes me happy to see one painted so nicely :)

    1. Hey Jordan - I'm glad Dumbel Doore brought you straight back to that warm, happy place. Thanks for the compliment - he was great fun to paint, actually.

