
Sunday 13 October 2013

Wasn't me.

Now I'm not in the business of 'paying for ass*', as such an activity might crudely be named these days, but I rather suspect that if one did come across a prostitute, instruct said prostitute to invent an act called an 'asscannon' in order that one might benefit from said act, it would be still be significantly cheaper than this one:

I daresay, like me, most of the readers of this blog will have been watching this auction (and its sister, the chaos dwarf juggernaut) with morbid fascination, imagining what it is that the buyer might say to their spouse by way of explanation.

In other news, bargains are still to be had on eBay, so don't give up, kids!

*Of course, as a married man, it could be argued that I am very much in the business of paying for ass. Over and over and over and over again. Year on year without fail. Until death us do part, in fact. But I'm a glass half-full kind of person.


  1. Good stuff Dude, would love to be a fly on the wall when he explains that one!

    On a different note check out this blog, lush paint jobs and awesome terrain but sadly lacking in followers until today (when I began a promotion drive)

    1. Yes, that is a good blog - thanks for the headsup!

  2. I won that Asscannon... no wait my mistake I had a curry last night instead and made a Splattercannon :)

    1. I suppose that also warrants an explanation to the missus, though?

  3. Jesus Christ! I've paid a lot for models before; like my Rogue Trader Land Raider still boxed and sealed; but even that wasn't in the same ball park! That is crazy money!!

  4. I recently found a box of 1/72 Boers for £5000. I'm not that desperate.

    1. :) You coould probably get a real boer for that!

  5. Gentlemen, I think our only option is now that Steve finds the moulds of the sphincter beats in Bryan's treasure cave so that we have an oldhammery yet cheap alternative for this one...
    Very good deal for a well labelled palanquin.
    Someone is going to need some mariage counceling soon though...

    1. Actually, it would really make my day if Foundry suddenly started producing these at £8 for two :D

  6. As a spiky stunty player I can only sigh with longing every time I see the asscannon or juggernaut on ebay. They are the only chaos dwarf models that remain out of reach. Well, WELL out of reach.

    1. I didn't realise how rare these things were. I somehow convinced myself that I'd get one one day, but stark reality puts me in the same boat as you now.

  7. Wow the palaquin is a must have but the canon....My wife would be very lucky with my life insurance after killing me for buying such an expensive model.
    You are really a fearless person...

    1. Keep an eye on the news - we don't know if the buyer survived yet...

  8. My father was the seller on that auction... I was even surprised by the final price :|


    1. Hmmm. Well, Mr Harris - if your dad is having problems with all that old lead, I might be able to help. Strictly assistance, you understand - I don't want to be taken advantage of here, but if you're really struggling, I'd like to help. No really, don't mention it.

    2. On the plus side, heres hoping you get a cracking christmas present!

      Although - what's better than an asscannon for christmas?

    3. One can hope, can't they!? I've asked for a new Airsoft gun, but I reckon that might be pushing it...

  9. Replies
    1. Item was going to France, International Signed For don't come cheap ;)


  10. Yep. Probably one of the harder cases of lead poisoning to identify...

  11. I submit, fine people, that someone who can afford to throw that sort of money at a miniature may not have a spousal unit. :)
