Pictures, apparently, paint a thousand words.
Here is a story of Stokesy the tank:
It’s a Ramshackle Games tank. A Rhebok APC, as I recall. I think it can come with wheels too. I forget where it came from, but it was a gift to me from another oldhamerererererer.
It is comprised chiefly of two almost solid blocks of resin.
So it’s heavy.
But, it cleaned up nicely enough. It is a mighty, and heavy, thing. There was more pinning than I would have expected - the tracks are pinned to the body to ensure they can hold it up.
Amongst other pins.
I intend for this vehicle to serve the squats.
So, I was going to paint it in the greenish colour they’re in. I was inspired by Vietnam / WW2 Pacific theatre tanks.
But the tank had other ideas. By the time I realised what was going on, I had painted it like an IKEA duvet cover.
But, it kinda goes with this whole red planet thing I’m beginning to converge on.
I suspect I knew that all along, but just refused to admit it to myself.
Anyway, the squats liked it. They called it ‘Stokesy’. Olivia seems willing to tolerate it for now.
I’m thinking graveyards are in vogue right now. So we’ll look at those next time: